AKEISTHAI introduces a novel approach on the design and development of conservation mortars. The mortars are modified both at the macro-scale, by the addition of encapsulated self-healing additives and at the nano-scale, by the incorporation of functional carbon nanostructures.
The addition of self-healing additives is an effective solution for enhancing the durability of conservation interventions and safeguarding built heritage. In self-healing mortars, microcracks can be repaired without any external intervention. This function can contribute greatly to the longevity of historic structures and significantly reduce the maintenance cost of architectural monuments. The healing of microcracks prohibit the degradation phenomena, reduce/limit the crack propagation and increase the service life of conservation interventions.
The incorporation of carbon nanostructures is twofold: a) enhances the mechanical properties and crack-resistance of conservation mortars and b) creates a conductive network within mortar’s mass, providing thus a piezo-electric material. In that case, the strain under static or dynamic conditions can be detected by measuring -continuous and remotely - the electrical properties of the nano-composite material.
The above technologies are tested for the first time in conservation mortars and grouts, compatible to cultural heritage monuments.
“AKEISTHAI - Self-healing and self-sensing nano-composite conservation mortars” is a 36 months research project funded by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (NSRF 2014-2020) and co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund). Grand agreement: T1EDK-03069 (MIS 5031866).